Student Achievement

Student Achievement

Care Hope College Retention Rates

Program2024202320223 Yr. Average
Associate 88%89%86%88%
Bachelor 100%100%89%96%
Graduate N/AN/AN/AN/A

*Retention rates for associates and bachelors programs are fall-to-fall based on first-time, full-time status. Graduate programs utilize total enrollment from fall to fall.

Care Hope College Graduation Rates

Program2024202320223 Yr. Average
2018 cohort2017 cohort2016 cohort
Associate84%88% 79%84%
BachelorN/A100% N/A100%
Graduate N/AN/A N/AN/A

** The completion and graduation rates for certificates, associate degrees, and bachelor degrees are measured at 150% of the expected time for completion (bachelor degree rate is 6 years from the first enrollment).

Care Hope College Job Placement Rates

Program2023202220213 yr Average
Associate89%90% 100%93%
Bachelor100%100% 100%100%
GraduateN/AN/A N/AN/A

Care Hope College NCLEX Passage Rate

Program2023202220213 Yr. Average
Associate68.13%42% 44%51%
Bachelorn/t100% N/A100%
GraduateN/AN/A N/AN/A